Topic Starter Sheets - PDF downloads with clickable links
Creative Cheat Sheets
Ten Tonne Challenge creative cheat sheet
Choose a creative output that can link to your chosen topic. Or use ideas from this sheet to create a choice grid for your pupils.
Global Digital Citizen Foundation's Critical Thinking questions
Richard Serra's Verb List
Serra is a living American artist who is internationally know for his sculptures. In 1967-68 he created this 'verblist'. It is used by artists to spark creativity, often if they are stuck for ideas. Typically - an artist will have a material or materials they are working with (paper, clay, fabric, plastic, pencils on paper) and will use different verbs to guide how they alter and manipulate the material. It can be adapted to fit different KS levels. Student could write their own verb lists. You could take it further by creating adverb and adjective lists. This could be done with words written on pieces of paper in bowls on the table and then selecting one from each. You may end up with things like 'quickly roll' or 'gently join'.